Monday, 2 January 2012


 SAS (part I)
Introduction to SAS
Descriptive information and statistics
An overview of statistical tests in SAS
Exploring data with graphics

Fundamentals of Using SAS (part II)
Using where with SAS procedures
Missing values in SAS
Common SAS options
Overview of SAS syntax of SAS procedures
Common error messages in SAS

Reading Raw Data into SAS
Inputting raw data into SAS
Reading dates into SAS and using date variables

Basic Data Management in SAS
Creating and recoding variables
Using SAS functions for making/recoding variables
Subsetting variables and observations
Labeling data, variables, and values
Using PROC SORT and the BY statement
Making and using permanent SAS data files (version 8)

Data Management:
How do I make unique anonymous ID variables for my data?
How can I create an enumeration variable by groups?
How can I see the number of missing values and patterns of missing values in my data file?
How can I count the number of missing values for a character variable?
How can I increment dates in SAS?How can I find things in a character variable in SAS?
How do I standardize variables (make them have a mean of 0 and sd of 1)?
Is there a quick way to create dummy variables?

Reading/Writing Data Files
How do I read a file that uses commas, tabs or spaces as delimiters to separate variables?
How do I read a delimited file with missing values?
How do I read a delimited file that has delimiters embedded in the data?
What are some common infile options for reading a raw data file?
How do I read raw data files compressed with gzip (.gz files) in SAS?
How do I write a data file that uses commas, tabs or spaces as delimiters between variables?How do I read/write Excel files in SAS version 8?

Reading/Writing SAS Files with Formats
How do I use a SAS data file with a format library?
How do I use a SAS data file when I don't have its format library?

How can I change the way variables are displayed in proc freq?
How can I put a value from a data file to a macro variable?
How can I create tables using proc tabulate?

My SAS Manuals: 1. Basic and 2. Applications (Preliminary Version) ZIP file (about 400meg)

PROC MEANS More than just your average procedure(PDF) by Peter R. Welbrock
The power of PROC FORMAT(PDF) by Jonas V. Bilenas
Ten Things You Should Know About PROC FORMAT(PDF) by Jack Shoemaker
PROC SQL for DATA Step Die-Hards(PDF) by Christianna S. Williams
An Introduction to the SQL Procedure(PDF) by Chris Yindra
Alternatives to Merging SAS Data Sets … But Be Careful(PDF) by Michael J. Wieczkowski
Handling Missing Values in the SQL Procedure(PDF) by Danbo Yi & MA Lei Zhang
Creating and using indexes in SASCreating and using formats and format libraries in SAS
Using multidimensional arraysGood Programming Practices
Bulletproofing Your SAS Results(PDF) by Vanessa Hayden
Clean-up, Comments and Code - Making it Maintainable(PDF) by Clay and Lori MartinSAS Program Efficiency for Beginners(PDF) by Bruce Gilsen
Coding for Posterity(PDF) by Rick AsterOutput Delivery System(ODS)
ODS, YES! Odious, NO! – An Introduction to the SAS Output Delivery System(PDF) by Lara Bryant, Sally Muller & Ray Pass
ODS for Data Analysis: Output As-You-Like-It in Version 7(PDF) by Christopher R. Olinger and Randall D. Tobias, from SUGI Proceedings, 1998, courtesy of SAS.
Making the SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) work for you(PDF) by William Fehlner, from SUGI Proceedings, 1999, courtesy of SAS.
Twisty Little Passages All Alike, Output Delivery System (ODS) Templates Exposed(PDF) by Chris Olinger, from SUGI Proceedings, 1999, courtesy of SAS.
Converting Multiple SAS Output Files to Rich Text Format Automatically without Using ODS

SAS Macros
Getting Started with Macros(PDF) by Ian Whitlock
Moving from Macro Variables to Macros(PDF) by Lisa Sanbonmatsu
Macros from Beginning to Mend A Simple and Practical Approach to the SAS Macro Facility(PDF) by Michael G. Sadof
An Introduction to Macro Variables and Macro Programs(PDF) by Mike S. Zdeb
Creating Macro Variables via PROC SQL(PDF) by Mike S. Zdeb
More About “INTO:Host-Variable” in PROC SQL: Examples(PDF) by John Q. Zhang
Macro Quoting Functions, Other Special Character Masking Tools, and How To Use Them(PDF) by Arthur L. Carpenter
Secrets of Macro Quoting Functions – How and Why(PDF) by Susan O’Connor
&&&, ;;, and Other Hieroglyphics Advanced Macro Topics(PDF) by Chris Yindra, C. YDeveloping, Managing, and Evaluating a Standard Macro System by Albert MoPROC SQL:
An Introduction to Proc SqlTop Ten Reasons to Use PROC SQL

SAS Enterprise Guide for SAS Programmers
Using SAS® Enterprise Guide® to Code When You’re Not aProgrammer
The New World of SAS®: Programming with SAS® EnterpriseGuide®
SAS Enterprise Guide:Data Manipulation, Reports,& Statistical Procedures
Introduction to Using SAS® Enterprise Guide® for Statistical Analysis

SAS Graph:
Improving Your Graphics Using SAS/GRAPH® Annotate Facility
A Powerful Macro to Control Title Appearance in SAS/GRAPH® OutputSAS/GRAPH® 101
Using ODS Styles with SAS/GRAPH®
ODS Statistical Graphics for Clinical Research
Know Your AREA!Creating Professional SAS® Graphics in Clinical Safety Data byUsing the AREAS Option in PROC GPLOT.

Debugging 101(PDF) by Peter Knapp
Those Missing Values in Questionnaires(PDF) by John R. Gerlach & Cindy Garra
Avoiding Mayhem in the New Millennium: Working with Missing Data(PDF) by JoAnn Matthews
Simplifying Complex Character Comparisons by Using the IN Operator and the Colon (:) Operator Modifier(PDF) by Paul Grant
Arrays: In and Out and All About(PDF) by Marge Scerbo
Complex Arrays Made Simple(PDF) by Mary McDonald, PaineWebber Incorporated
You Could Look It Up: An Introduction to SASHELP Dictionary Views(PDF) by Michael Davis, The 'SKIP' Statement(PDF) by Paul Grant
Indexing and Compressing SAS Data Sets: How, Why, and Why Not(PDF) Andrew H. Karp,
Automating the Creation of a Single Bookmarked PDF Documentfrom Multiple SAS® ASCII and PostScript® Output Files Be Careful When You Merge SAS Datasets!



  1. base sas purpose information excellent on line thanks

  2. could anyone give me a link for any material on SAS validations please
